When someone mentions Zombies, many things come to mind. Some things that come to my own mind are Left 4 Dead, Resident Evil, Zombies Ate my Neighbors, and from now on I will always think of Night of the Living Dead.

Released in 1968 by George Romero, this movie was the first to bring on the dreaded Zombie Apocalypse that would show up in hundreds of films and games throughout the years. This film deserves its place as the definition of Zombie Apocalypse. These Zombies are not your average stupid, lumbering, groaning meat bags walking around like the Frankenstein monster that we generally expect. These zombies are smart enough to pick up objects such as rocks to break windows and doors, and they're also smart enough to pick up sharp objects to kill people as well. They're nowhere near as dumb as what we've come to expect from zombies these days. The movie itself is in black and white, which only seems to enhance the experience by a great amount. I found that watching this was very much like watching an old Twilight Zone episode, though in full feature length film quality.

The overall plot is a bit odd when I think about it, we sent a satellite to Venus, it comes back with an enormous amount of radiation, so we destroy it, it releases the radiation, and then the dead come back to life. It is odd, and a bit hokey, but it was also the 60's. It really should just be expected. Despite that odd plot, the movie plays out more like a modern day M. Night Shyamalan suspense film. There are several moments in the film that I felt my stomach churning, one of these moments was the grotesque feasting on a young couple as they attempted to escape from the building that the cast is trapped in for the majority of the film. Another moment that made my stomach churn was the ending, after the hell that the protagonist went through during the film, I was not expecting this ending at all. It was a good plot twist and for those that haven't seen it, I won't give it away.

Good times.
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