Push start to beginning.
Now thats how you know a game is going to be good, thats the first line that I had read. Simple awesome. In this game you're actually going along with the story for Mazinger Z a bit better, which is a good thing, though I tend to just skip the little bit of story and get right into the action for a game like this. The controls work well and so do your attacks, though I can't seem to manage to do any special attacks other than what happens if you keep a combo of punches and kicks going.
Mazinger Z is an SNES game and while it looks a little less pleasing graphically than Mazin Saga, I find this game to be a bit more fun. The difficulty is still incredibly high, but its not quite at the legendary level of Mazin Saga. The game also doesn't seem to have any of the problems featured in its cousin over on the Genesis. Overall this appears to be a better game and much more fun, I would suggest that if anyone ever gets the chance, they should play this game if they like Giant Robots or sidescroller-beat 'em ups.

Mazinger Z is an SNES game and while it looks a little less pleasing graphically than Mazin Saga, I find this game to be a bit more fun. The difficulty is still incredibly high, but its not quite at the legendary level of Mazin Saga. The game also doesn't seem to have any of the problems featured in its cousin over on the Genesis. Overall this appears to be a better game and much more fun, I would suggest that if anyone ever gets the chance, they should play this game if they like Giant Robots or sidescroller-beat 'em ups.
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