From the very first moment in the episode till the last I found myself enthralled with the show. The music done by JAM project at the start alone was enough to catch my attention and make me wish that I had the soundtrack. As usual, any opening done by JAM instantly goes to the top of my list of favorite openings. The opening video itself is done well too of course.
The actual show starts off showing a heavily battle damaged Mazinger Z and Kabuto Kouji, this is of course the ending of the series, which is major foreshadowing done here. It really makes me wonder what happens to reach this point, which is most likely why it was done like this. After that, we learn about photon power and get an introduction of Baron Ashura and Dr. Hell. This is the first part of the series that we see that actually belongs in the begining.

Dr. Hell wants to take over the world and is sending Baron Ashura and his Ashura Corps. out to take the photon power labs in Japan, which will give him a major advantage over the rest of the planet. From here we cut to an experiment done with photon power to run a city, which it does wonderfully.
I'll try to cut down here and not spoil too much of the actual details for the episode. Most of the episode is fairly lighthearted when it involves Kouji and his family, though we do see a darker side as a mysterious man with a sword kills people spying on the household and even police that are in the area. There is also a detective that is following Kouji's grandfather, a world renowned scientist to defend him from this serial killer. It is later revealed that the man with the sword is defending the doctor from Ashura's spies. We also get a look at Sayaka who is also spying on Kouji, as well as Boss and his goon squad.

Boss challenges Kouji to a fight and this is when the real action starts. Giant robots attack the city as well as foot soldiers storming the Kabuto manor. This is our first sighting of Aphrodai A and the Pilder. This is also where the episode ends after Kouji gets in the Pilder and prepares to get in Mazinger Z. Simply put, this episode was really good and it makes me want more already. Cliffhangers like this tend to do that.

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