Have you ever played Ghost Recon Advance Warfighter and wondered what the heck your support is doing while you take on hoards of enemies on the ground? This game reveals exactly what your support has been doing up there in the skies. In this game you play as the lead fighter pilot of HAWX, an elite fighter unit set during some of the same years that Scott Mitchell is leader of the Ghosts.
Story: The story is pretty basic. You and your teammates from HAWX are leaving the Unites States Airforce and are joining with Artemis, a Private Military Contractor. You do several missions for Artemis and then they turn on America and begin a pretty massive invasion. You then switch sides and work for America again and fight them off. Its not the best plot that I have seen from a game with the Clancy name on it, but its not the worst game that I have played so far. I could reall go either way with this, the plot doesn't seem to really have any effect on you during your campaign at all.
Gameplay: I've been a fan of flight games since I was a child and the controls aren't really any different than they have been for the past few years for most flight games. They work well with systems like the Xbox 360 so most companies don't bother to change the controls up very much since there isn't any real reason to.
The campaign is 19 missions long and some of the missions are pretty easy and can be done with little to no trouble at all on all the difficulties. There are several levels though that are much harder than any of the other levels in the game, one such example is in level 18 when you have to fly at a low altitude in a city to destroy a van that has a nuclear bomb inside of it. Overall I had alot of fun in the campaign, especially because when you're playing the campaign you can play with up to three friends of yours all at once.
The Multiplayer is pretty straightforward and easy to get the hang of. You can play it in a few different modes but there isn't any real variety to it. It can get boring after only a short while. Though there are many airplanes in the game, numbering at around fifty I believe, you will see very few different types of planes while playing against others online. The F-22 Raptor is a great dogfighting plane and a few other planes have some absolutely insane stats compared to the majority of planes in the game.
Artistic Elements: Visually the game is very good. It is also very accurate in the level design thanks to satellite pictures that were taken of the areas that the game puts you in. Everything from the plane you fly to the ground you crash into looks absolutely fantastic.
As for the music in the game, its pretty good, but its not worth buying a soundtrack for. There are many times where you barely even notice the music and it doesn't have a tendency to really help your emotions in the gameplay.
The voice acting for the game was good. There weren't any problems where the lips weren't flapping correctly or the voices not matching very well with the people that they portrayed. It was done very well for the very few characters that you see faces for in the game.
Personal Opinion: As a flight game I thought this game was good. I had more fun in this game than I did in Ace Combat 6. As a general game, I thought it was fun, but not worth buying. It is a fun rental but I doubt that it has all that much lasting power behind it. Its been fun though.
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