Silly fun. That basically sums up this game in a nutshell. The plot and overall theme of the game is fairly silly and if you go into the ending, well... Its _very_ silly. The game is far better when you play with friends than when you play it alone, which is why it not only supports but encourages four player co-op campaign.
The main campaign itself is very short. You only get 4 characters at the start of the game as well, the four different colored but awesome knights. As you go you will unlock more and more characters, mostly enemies from the game, and as you do so you get many different and sometimes nonsensical powers. From throwing gas balls to acorns this game basically takes the cake when it comes to random powers.
The music is absolutely phenomenal, it may just be the game's strongest point. I couldn't help but love the score the second it started playing.
It is very similar to it's predecessor Alien Hominid. There isn't really all that much to say except try it if you're in for a good amount of fun with some friends without going for any deep plot or anything. Have fun guys.
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